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Markup Languages Articles

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Synopsis: Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) is an Extensible Markup Language (XML) vocabulary for describing mathematical notation, capturing both its structure and content. The current state of MathML in lieu of other technologies is discussed by Pankaj Kamthan. A variety of examples are presented.
Techniques: MathML, Issues, Authoring, software, Mathematical Markup and Semantics, XML, SMIL

Synopsis: XML namespaces provides a method for qualifying element and attribute names used in Extensible Markup Language (XML) documents by associating them with namespaces uniquely identified by Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) references. The motivation for XML namespaces, along with their internal workings are discussed by Pankaj Kamthan with the help of various examples. Specific applications are included.
Techniques: XML Namespaces, Qualified Names, Explicit and Default Declarations, Uniqueness, Attributes, Authoring, MATHML, SVG, Translating XML to XHTML, XSL, Metadata, RDF

Synopsis: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the definitive markup language for the Web, is inflicted with various limitations. To resolve those, HTML has been reformulated as XHTML (The Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) 1.0, which is a vocabulary based on XML (Extensible Markup Language) 1.0 syntax. An introduction, from the author's viewpoint, is given. Issues of XHTML 1.0 syntax and semantics, transition from HTML to XHTML 1.0, and XHTML 1.0 authoring, rendering and validation are discussed by Pankaj Kamthan
Techniques: XHTML, SGML, HTML, XML, XHTML Syntax and Semantics, XHTML DTDs, XML Namespaces, XHTML Namespaces, HTML to XHTML, HTML Tidy, HTML-Kit, Amaya, XML Spy, Mozquito Factory, Validating XHTML, Rendering XHTML

176. Wednesday 29th July 1999 - SVG Brings Fast Vector Graphics to Web
Synopsis: This article, by Janus Boye, will first cover the exciting functionality that SVG brings to the Web, then discuss the advantages of being an XML-based graphics format, and then finally some words and predictions about the future of SVG.
Techniques: SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics, images, XML, W3C working draft, PGML, DOM, XLink, XPointer

159. Friday 30th April 1999 - Time Changes Everything
Synopsis: This article covers how time is slowly becoming a first-class citizen of the Web. Written by Janus Boye this article covers three exciting technologies that have come out in the last two years: SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language), ASF (Advanced Streaming Format) and HTML+Time (Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions).
Techniques: SMIL, Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, ASF, Advanced Streaming Format, HTML+Time, Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions, time-based media content, multimedia, streaming content

111. Friday 14th August 1998 - P3P - What's in it for us?
Synopsis: In this article on P3P - the platform for privacy preferences project - Janus Boye tries to explain what P3P has to bring to the Web community.
Techniques: p3p, platform for preferences preferences

096. Monday 15th June 1998 - XSL - What's in it for us?
Synopsis: This article on XSL, written by Janus Boye, tries to explain what XSL has to bring to the Web community.
Techniques: xsl, dsssl, xml, style, css

086. Saturday 16th May 1998 - RDF - What's in it for us?
Synopsis: Written by Janus Boye. RDF - the Resource Description Framework - is a foundation for processing metadata; it provides interoperability between applications that exchange machine-understandable information on the Web. RDF emphasizes facilities to enable automated processing of Web ressources. RDF metadata can be used in a variety of application areas.
Techniques: RDF, XML, Meta Data, authoring, publishing, cataloging, PICS, Site Maps, Dublin Core

081. Saturday 2nd May 1998 - MathML - What's in it for us?
Synopsis: Janus Boye takes a look at MathML a new W3C Recommendation and explains why we might want to use it on our web pages.
Techniques: Mathematics, MathML, XML, RDF, EzMath plugin

072. Saturday 28th March 1998 - XML - What's in it for us?
Synopsis: Written by Janus Boye. If you're designing data-hungry sites, especially for intranets, you should be getting excited about XML, because in XML, you'll be able to create and respond to much richer set of data elements. That will in turn let you build more individualised dynamic sites and pages. For example, your site's users could access information across databases and types of data without having to rely on a search engine.
Techniques: XML, HTML, XSL, CSS, SGML, CDF, OSD, ICE - Aghhhh! TLA overload!

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