JavaScript Programmer's Reference - response Object
You are here: | XRef | NES | response
response Object
Object/NES |
The Response object is the Global object in a NES request-response context. |
response Methods
Name | MSIE | NNav | Notes |
addClient() | - | - | |
addResponseHeader() | - | - | |
blob() | - | - | |
callC() | - | - | |
debug() | - | - | |
deleteResponseHeader() | - | - | |
flush() | - | - | |
getOptionValue() | - | - | |
getOptionValueCount() | - | - | |
redirect() | - | - | |
registerCFunction() | - | - | |
ssjs_generateClientID() | - | - | |
ssjs_getCGIVariable() | - | - | |
ssjs_getClientID() | - | - | |
trace() | - | - | |
write() | - | - | |
response Properties
Name | MSIE | NNav | Notes |
client | - | - | |
database | - | - | |
project | - | - | |
request | - | - | |
server | - | - | |
You are here: | XRef | NES | response
©2018 Martin Webb