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Freeware/Shareware Software Reviews

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Synopsis: Michael Bednarek reviews the latest version of JASC's popular image manipulation program.
Techniques: software, reviews, programs, buy software, purchase software, JASC Paint Shop Pro 5, Paintshop, plug-ins, reviews, image manipulation, graphics program, layers, GIF Animation Shop, picture tube

Synopsis: Martin Webb talks about a text editor with excellent features for Web authors.
Techniques: Helios Textpad 3.2.5, Textpad, text editor, HTML features, Replace All, software, reviews, programs, buy software, purchase software

Synopsis: Michael Bednarek assesses Microsoft's freeware WYSIWYG HTML editor.
Techniques: Internet Explorer, Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0, review, WYSIWYG editor, software, reviews, programs, buy software, purchase software

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