JavaScript Links FAQ
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- FAQ 18 Where does the target="" go when using location.href=""?
- FAQ 38 How can I have a conditional link that will work on all browsers?
- FAQ 55 How can I stop a link being loaded?
- FAQ 69 How do I access to the part of the URL after the "?" character?
- FAQ 75 How can I append a stock symbol from a form to a URL to load four documents in a frameset?
- FAQ 95 Where do I place target="Main" in the following code?
- FAQ 120 Is it possible to highlight the text of a link using onMouseOver?
- FAQ 136 How do you hide the real address of a page?
- FAQ 172 How can I show a different explanation for a link in the status bar as opposed to
- FAQ 177 How can I use the location replace method without causing problems in browsers that do not support it?
- FAQ 188 Is there a way to access the links in a document?
- FAQ 203 Is there a way to navigate to anchors within the current page using a drop down menu?
- FAQ 230 How can I use an image onMouseOver event to load a new window, without an image click changing the location?
- FAQ 260 When clicked, Internet Explorer puts a selection rectangle around an image link that stays there even after the script finishes. How can I get rid of it?
- FAQ 298 How can I pass a complete absolute url from one page to another?
- FAQ 361 How can I change the effect of a link tag so that Netscape and Explorer go to different locations?
- FAQ 377 How can I access the value of a variable set on a different page - when I have to go through an intermidate page first?
- FAQ 385 How can I change the current location after successfully submitting a form?
- FAQ 386 How can I make the links target the main frame?
- FAQ 392 How can I direct the location chosen from a dropdown menu to a new page?
- FAQ 394 How can I prepare a link so that it already has escape search text?
- FAQ 419 How can I change the href property of a link in another frame?
- FAQ 454 How can I tell if a URL exists?
- FAQ 455 How do you hide the real address of a page?
- FAQ 463 Can I make links that aren't underlined?
- FAQ 491 Is there any way of knowing the URL of the next document to be opened from within an onUnLoad event?
- FAQ 516 How can I remove "NEW" on the links automatically?
- FAQ 526 Can I create http connections to a url and exchange information?
- FAQ 553 How can I use the replace method on a normal text link?
- FAQ 573 How can I provide links to a cgi script for the date of the next seven days?
- FAQ 588 How can I open a window that calls up a cgi perl but without the name/value pairs being visible as part of the new windows url?
- FAQ 594 Is there a way to unconditionally direct the browser to an anchor tag?
- FAQ 622 How can a hypertext link pass data using the POST method, and not the GET method?
- FAQ 624 How can I make a mouse over on an image without a link?
- FAQ 670 How can I tell which link within the links object array was clicked on?
- FAQ 672 How can I pass a string value which is separated by spaces using the locations search string?
- FAQ 687 How can I include today's date in the url of a link?
- FAQ 768 How do I change the text in the location bar without changing to that location?
- FAQ 870 How can I pass a querystring parameter from a link to a function on the linked page?
- FAQ 903 Can you change the attributes of a link to italics?
- FAQ 911 Are there any instances where the use of javascript: in a href attribute causes problems?
- FAQ 926 How can I automate a text link so that its links to the current months "What's New" page?
- FAQ 927 Can I incorporate both an open window function and a rollover function within the same image link?
- FAQ 931 Is it possible to pass the the value of a form input text field from one page to another, and display the value as normal text?
- FAQ 939 Why does location = url cause problems in Internet Explorer 4?
- FAQ 976 How can I extract the directory path from the documents location?
- FAQ 988 How can I pass the selected links text property as a parameter of the links href property?
- FAQ 992 How can I accept a name/value pair in the current url and access it as a variable and value?
- FAQ 1025 How can I pass the value of the selected option to the next page as part of the HREF property of a text link?
- FAQ 1061 Is it possible for a link to target two different frames at the same time?
- FAQ 1188 How can I extract just the filename (e.g. thispage.htm) of the URL currently loaded?
- FAQ 1254 What are the different ways of accessing an anchor
- FAQ 1270 Why when clicking a link can I not get two images to swap their sources, only one appears to do so?
- FAQ 1365 How can I make a link unclickable after it is clicked?
- FAQ 1369 How can I easily extract the filename from a URL?
- FAQ 1377 How can I make the href property in a nested layer the same as the href property of the first link one layer up?
- FAQ 1428 Is there any way to intercept a URL and add some more parameters to the search string?
- FAQ 1440 Is there anyway to dynamically set the BASE HREF to something if the page is loaded locally and somewhere else is loaded from online?
- FAQ 1450 If two urls map to the same page, how can I redirect from the old url to the new url without causing a loop?
- FAQ 1458 How would you put the directory structure of a page at the top of a page (eg You are here: > directory > sub-directory > page.html?
- FAQ 1459 How would you put the directory structure of a page at the top of a page (eg You are here: > directory > sub-directory > page.html, but where each part is a link to the relevant directory/file?
- FAQ 1543 How can I allow a user, after having checked one of radio buttons, and clicked on an image to move onto a dedicated page depending on chosen radio button?
- FAQ 1602 How can I make a link inactive (except for a popup window on mouse over) for those browsers which support JavaScript but remain active (clickable) for those browsers which don't?
- FAQ 1677 How can I redirect to another page if there is no activity by the user for a certain amount of time?
- FAQ 1686 How can I generate a page in JavaScript when a button is pressed that both replaces the current page in the browser's history, and cannot be linked to directly?
- FAQ 1702 How can I use an external JavaScript source file to amend all the mailto links in a document such that it appends a generic subject line?
- FAQ 1722 How can I force an unclicked link to look as though it had been clicked?
- FAQ 1743 When placing the value of a JavaScript variable into a URL request, how do I correctly format the variable value, so that spaces etc are converted into the standard html request syntax?
- FAQ 1747 How can I change the HREF attribute of a link when a form button is clicked?
- FAQ 1806 How would I determine if the visitor's platform is either a Mac or a Windows machine and send them to the appropriate directory on my server?
©2018 Martin Webb