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If the main window opens three windows named winA, winB and winC, then:
In winA:
<script language="JavaScript1.2"><!-- var myUrls = ['','','']; var hitcount = 0; function goB() { if (hitcount < myUrls.length) { opener.winB.location.href = 'myFrameB.htm?' + escape(myUrls[hitcount]); hitcount++; } } function goC() { if (hitcount < myUrls.length) { opener.winC.location.href = 'myFrameC.htm?' + escape(myUrls[hitcount]); hitcount++; } } //--></script>
And then in myFrameB.htm:
<script language="JavaScript"><!-- var output = '<frameset rows="100%,*" onLoad="opener.winA.goC()">' output += '<frame src="' + unescape( + '"> output += '<frame src="about:blank"> output += '<\/frameset>'; document.write(output); //--></script>
And then in myFrameC.htm:
<script language="JavaScript"><!-- var output = '<frameset rows="100%,*" onLoad="opener.winA.goB()">' output += '<frame src="' + unescape( + '"> output += '<frame src="about:blank"> output += '<\/frameset>'; document.write(output); //--></script>
This should load the urls in winA alternatively in winB and winC.