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Something like the following should do it: ('sesame.html', 'newWin', 'scrollbars=yes,status=yes,width=300,height=300')
The full syntax is:
[windowVar = ][window].open("URL", "windowName", ["windowFeatures"])
Where windowFeatures is a comma-separated list of any of the following options and values:
toolbar[=yes|no]|[=1|0] location[=yes|no]|[=1|0] directories[=yes|no]|[=1|0] status[=yes|no]|[=1|0] menubar[=yes|no]|[=1|0] scrollbars[=yes|no]|[=1|0] resizable[=yes|no]|[=1|0] width=pixels height=pixels
You may use any subset of these options. Separate options with a comma. Do not put spaces between the options.