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Q898 How can I update three text boxes with different information when an option from a pull down menu is selected?

You are here: irt.org | FAQ | JavaScript | Form | 10.1 | Q898 [ previous next ]

The most compact way is to store three different items of data in each of the options value property separated with &:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function updateForm(what,count) {
    selected = what.mySelect.selectedIndex;

    value = what.mySelect.options[selected].value;

    for (var i = 0, oldpos = -1; i<count-1; i++) {
        pos = value.indexOf('&',oldpos+1);
        data = value.substring(oldpos+1,pos);
        what.elements['text' + i].value = value.substring(oldpos+1,pos);
        oldpos = pos;
    what.elements['text' + i].value = value.substring(oldpos+1,value.length)

<select name="mySelect" onChange="updateForm(this.form,3)">
<option value="red&hot&inside">0
<option value="black&warm&outside">1
<option value="blue&cold&above">2

<input type="text" name="text0">
<input type="text" name="text1">
<input type="text" name="text2">

And another form with four text boxes:

<select name="mySelect" onChange="updateForm(this.form,4)">
<option value="red&hot&inside&today">0
<option value="black&warm&outside&tomorrow">1
<option value="blue&cold&above&yesterday">2

<input type="text" name="text0">
<input type="text" name="text1">
<input type="text" name="text2">
<input type="text" name="text3">

Which can be extended to hold as many items of data as required.

Feedback on 'Q898 How can I update three text boxes with different information when an option from a pull down menu is selected?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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