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The positioning of the window only works in certain browsers, but try this:
<script language="JavaScript"><!-- var windowHandle = null; var globalImage = null; var globalImageWidth = null; var globalImageHeight = null; var globalCaption = null; function myOpen(localImage,localCaption,imageWidth,imageHeight,windowWidth,windowHeight,xPos,yPos) { globalImage = localImage; globalCaption = localCaption; globalImageWidth = imageWidth; globalImageHeight = imageHeight; windowHandle ='popup.htm','windowName','width=' + windowWidth + ',height=' + windowHeight + ',left=' + xPos + ',top=' + yPos + 'screenX=' + xPos + ',screenY=' + yPos); if (!windowHandle.opener) windowHandle.opener = self; } function myClose() { windowHandle.close() } function myVoid() { } //--></script> <a href="#" onClick="this.href='javascript:myVoid()'" onMouseOver="myOpen('image2.gif','text',520,360,540,420,50,50)" onMouseOut="myClose()"><img src="image1.gif" width="100" height="100" border="0"></a>
With the following in the popup.htm file:
<center> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- var output = '<img src="' + opener.globalImage + '" width="' + opener.globalImageWidth + '" height="' + opener.globalImageHeight + '" alt="' + opener.globalCaption + '">'; output += '<p>' + opener.globalCaption + '<\/p>'; document.write(output); //--></script> </center>
There is however, one small problem with the above example: once the popup window has opened, if the mouse pointer is moved ever so slightly (whilst over the popup window) then the popup window closes immediately. A solution is to add a delay to the closing of the popup window:
<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- var windowHandle = null; var globalImage = null; var globalImageWidth = null; var globalImageHeight = null; var globalCaption = null; function myOpen(localImage,localCaption,imageWidth,imageHeight,windowWidth,windowHeight,xPos,yPos) { globalImage = localImage; globalCaption = localCaption; globalImageWidth = imageWidth; globalImageHeight = imageHeight; windowHandle ='popup.htm','windowName','width=' + windowWidth + ',height=' + windowHeight + ',left=' + xPos + ',top=' + yPos + 'screenX=' + xPos + ',screenY=' + yPos); if (!windowHandle.opener) windowHandle.opener = self; } var blurred = false; function myClose() { if (!blurred) windowHandle.close(); else setTimeout('myClose()',100); } function myVoid() { } //--></script> <head> <body onBlur="blurred=true" onFocus="blurred=false"> <a href="#" onClick="this.href='javascript:myVoid()'" onMouseOver="myOpen('image2.gif','text',520,360,540,420,50,50)" onMouseOut="myClose()"><img src="image1.gif" width="100" height="100" border="0"></a> </body> </html>