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Q876 How can I continually scroll through a document, and when the bottom is reached start at the beginning again?

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It can't be done without knowing roughly how long the document is in pixels:

<head><script language="JavaScript"><!--
function myHeight() {
    if (document.all)
        return document.body.offsetHeight;
    else if (document.layers)
        return document.body.document.height;
        return 2000; // approx height (adjust as necessary)

function myScroll() {
    documentYposition += scrollAmount;
    if (documentYposition > documentLength)
        documentYposition = 0;

function start() {
    documentLength = myHeight();

var documentLength;
var scrollAmount = 100;    // scroll by 100 pixels each time
var scrollInterval = 1000; // number of milliseconds between scrolls
var documentYposition = 0;

<body onLoad="start()">

<ilayer id="body">
Place page contents in here


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