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Q868 Why does my HTML not print from Netscape Communicator 4.5?

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It depends on the JavaScript code you've got inplace - have you got frame detection code?

If so then consider using:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
if (self == top && !((self.innerHeight == 0) && (self.innerWidth == 0))
    location.href = 'frameset.htm';

instead of:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
if (sefl == top)
    location.href = 'frameset.htm';

Anders Gilbro Nielsen writes:

The check for innerHeight and innerWidth just HAS to be done the way it's written. Don't try to a different check without the NOT (!) operator. Because this won't work in Internet Explorer (4.0) browsers since they don't know anything about innerHeight and innerWidth.

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