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Q845 From the main window I open a smaller child window, in this child window, if a user selects a link, I want to load the new page in the main browser window and close the child window. How do I do this?

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In the main window:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
popup = window.open('popup.htm','windowName','width=100,height=100');
if (!popup.opener)
    popup.opener = self;

In popup.htm:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function supressError() {
    return true;

function load(url) {
    window.onerror = supressError;
    opener.location.href = url;

<a href="javascript:load('http://www.irt.org')">text link</a>

Feedback on 'Q845 From the main window I open a smaller child window, in this child window, if a user selects a link, I want to load the new page in the main browser window and close the child window. How do I do this?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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