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The following has been tested in Netscape Navigator 2.02, Netscape Navigator 3, Netscape Navigator 4.02 and Internet Explorer 4pr1 - it might not work in Internet Explorer 3.02.
Contents of doc1.html:
<script language="JavaScript"><!-- function newWindow(file,window) { msgWindow=open(file,window,'resizable=no,width=200,height=400'); if (msgWindow.opener == null) msgWindow.opener = self; } //--></script> <form name="outputForm1"> <input type="button" value="Open doc2.html into window2" onClick="newWindow('doc2.html','window2')"> <br><input name="outputField1" type="text" value=""> <br><input name="outputField2" type="text" value=""> </form>
Contents of doc2.html:
<script language="JavaScript"><!-- function setForm() { opener.document.outputForm1.outputField1.value = document.inputForm1.inputField1.value; opener.document.outputForm1.outputField2.value = document.inputForm1.inputField2.value; self.close(); return false; } //--></script> <form name="inputForm1" onSubmit="return setForm();"> <br><input name="inputField1" type="text" value=""> <br><input name="inputField2" type="text" value=""> <br><input type="submit" value="Update opener"> </form>