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Q779 Does navigator have a comparable innerHTML property?

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Netscape Navigator 4.0 does not have a comparable innerHTML property. This does not mean that Netscape Navigator cannot write dynamic content like Microsoft Internet Explorer, as you can open, write to, and then close a layer. The difficulty is that you have to write a solution that works perfectly on both Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

The following is a simple example that works in both Netscape Navigator 4 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function changeContent(what,text) {
    if (document.all)
        what.innerHTML = text;
    else if (document.layers) {

<div onMouseOver="changeContent(this,'<font color=red>Ha! You moved the mouse over the text</font>')"
  onMouseOut="changeContent(this,'Move the mouse pointer over this text')">
<layer onMouseOver="changeContent(this,'<font color=red>Ha! You moved the mouse over the text</font>')"
  onMouseOut="changeContent(this,'Move the mouse pointer over this text')">
Move the mouse pointer over this text

Also take a look at the article What is So Dynamic About Dynamic HTML?

Feedback on 'Q779 Does navigator have a comparable innerHTML property?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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