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Q722 Is there any way I can share the window object amongst all of my webpages, so that the window gets created only once, and I can just call window.focus() to pop it up every time, no matter which page the user chooses it from?

You are here: irt.org | FAQ | JavaScript | Window | Q722 [ previous next ]

Yes, place the JavaScript code in the parent frameset and invoke it from there, for example:

handle = '';
function myOpen(url) {
    handle = window.open(url,....)


And then in any page:


Feedback on 'Q722 Is there any way I can share the window object amongst all of my webpages, so that the window gets created only once, and I can just call window.focus() to pop it up every time, no matter which page the user chooses it from?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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