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The following does everything except use the *.js files:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- function over() { var text = '<FONT COLOR="red">Ha! You moved the mouse over the text<\/FONT>'; document.layers['myLayer']; document.layers['myLayer'].document.write(text); document.layers['myLayer'].document.close(); } function out() { var text = 'Move the mouse pointer over this text'; document.layers['myLayer']; document.layers['myLayer'].document.write(text); document.layers['myLayer'].document.close(); } //--></SCRIPT> <LAYER ID="myLayer" onMouseOver="over()" onMouseOut="out()"> Move the mouse pointer over this text </LAYER>
Changing it to include *.js files requires a simple test to make sure the browser supports *.js files:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- var loaded = false; //--></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="over.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC="out.js"></SCRIPT> <LAYER ID="myLayer" onMouseOver="if (loaded) over()" onMouseOut="if (loaded) out()"> Move the mouse pointer over this text </LAYER>
With the contents of over.js as:
function over() { var text = '<FONT COLOR="red">Ha! You moved the mouse over the text<\/FONT>'; document.layers['myLayer']; document.layers['myLayer'].document.write(text); document.layers['myLayer'].document.close(); } loaded = true;
And the contents of out.js as:
function out() { var text = 'Move the mouse pointer over this text'; document.layers['myLayer']; document.layers['myLayer'].document.write(text); document.layers['myLayer'].document.close(); } loaded = true;