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Q630 How can I change 2 (or more) images in another frame using onMouseOver over 2 (or more) different areas of text?

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<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function over() {
    if (document.images) {
        parent.otherFrameName.images['imageName1'].src = 'picture1on.gif';
        parent.otherFrameName.images['imageName2'].src = 'picture2on.gif';

function out() {
    if (document.images) {
        parent.otherFrameName.images['imageName1'].src = 'picture1off.gif';
        parent.otherFrameName.images['imageName2'].src = 'picture2off.gif';

<A HREF="#" onMouseOver="over()" onMouseOut="out()">text 1</A>
<A HREF="#" onMouseOver="over()" onMouseOut="out()">text 2</A>

Feedback on 'Q630 How can I change 2 (or more) images in another frame using onMouseOver over 2 (or more) different areas of text?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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