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Q6 How do you display the .00, or in the case of 50 cents display .50 instead of .5?

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<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function cent(amount) {
// returns the amount in the .99 format
    amount -= 0;
    return (amount == Math.floor(amount)) ? amount + '.00' : (  (amount*10 == Math.floor(amount*10)) ? amount + '0' : amount);

The following was submitted by David Parenteau:

This function is more efficient. It rounds the amount and checks if it is NaN (Not a Number):

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function cent(amount) {
// returns the amount in the .99 format
    amount -= 0;
    amount = (Math.round(amount*100))/100;
    return (amount == Math.floor(amount)) ? amount + '.00' : (  (amount*10 == Math.floor(amount*10)) ? amount + '0' : amount);


The following (by Michel Plungjan) is a most robust solution, it will validate an amount AND set variables with:

  1. a formatted number (forces two decimals - so 1.5 becomes 1.50)
  2. the internal number representation since javascript does not use thousand separaters and does not understand a comma as decimal point

It can handle european numbers (so both 1,000.00 and 1.000,00). The script does not round so 1,000.111 will be an invalid amount

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
isMoneyFormatAmount = 0.00;
isMoneyFormatString = "0.00";

function isMoneyFormat(str,eur) {
   isMoneyFormatAmount = 0.00;
   isMoneyFormatString = "0.00";
   if(!str) return false;
   str = "" + str; // force string
   for (var i=0; i<str.length;i++) {
      var ch = str.charAt(i);
      if (!isNum(ch) && ch!='.' && ch != ',' && ch !='-') return false

   var sign = 1;
   var signChar = '';
   isMoneyFormatAmount = 0.00;
   isMoneyFormatString = "0.00";

   if (str.length > 1) {
      signChar = str.substring(0,1);
      if (signChar == '-' || signChar == '+' ) {
         if (signChar == '-') sign = -1;
         str = str.substring(1);
      else signChar = '';
   var decimalPoint = '.';
   var thDelim = ',';
   if (eur) {
      decimalPoint = ','
      thDelim = '.';
   test1 = str.split(decimalPoint);
   if (test1.length == 2) { // Decimals found
      if (test1[1].length > 2) return false; // more than 2 decimals
      if (isNum(test1[1])) {
         if (test1[1] < 9 && test1[1].charAt(0) > 0) test1[1] = new String(test1[1]+"0");
      else return false;
   else test1[1] = "00"; // force decimals
   if (test1[0] == '') test1[0] = 0;
   if (test1[0] && test1[0].indexOf(thDelim) != -1) {
      test2 = test1[0].split(thDelim);
      if (test2.length >= 2) { // thousands found
         var thError = false;
         for (var i=0;i<test2.length;i++) {
            if (test2[i].length < 3 && i != 0) { thError = true; break; } // all thousands exept the first.
            if (!isNum(test2[i])) { thError = true; break; } // all numbers
         if (thError) return false;
         test1[0] = test2.join('')
   isMoneyFormatAmount = (parseInt(test1[0]) + parseFloat('.'+test1[1]))*sign;
   isMoneyFormatString = new String(""+signChar+""+parseInt(test1[0])) +'.'+test1[1];
   return true;

function isNum(str) {
  if(!str) return false;
  for(var i=0; i<str.length; i++){
    var ch=str.charAt(i);
    if ("0123456789".indexOf(ch) ==-1) return false;
  return true;

document.write('<br><b>1,234.50:<\/b> ')
document.write(isMoneyFormat("1,234.50") + ' -> ' + isMoneyFormatAmount + '(' + isMoneyFormatString+')<hr>');
document.write('<br><b>1.234,50 (eur):<\/b> ')
document.write(isMoneyFormat("1.234,50",1) + ' -> ' + isMoneyFormatAmount + '(' + isMoneyFormatString+')<hr>');
document.write('<br><b>-1,234.50:<\/b> ')
document.write(isMoneyFormat("-1,234.50") + ' -> ' + isMoneyFormatAmount + '(' + isMoneyFormatString+')<hr>');
document.write('<br><b>1,1234.50:<\/b> ')
document.write(isMoneyFormat("1,1234.50",1) + ' -> ' + isMoneyFormatAmount + '(' + isMoneyFormatString+')<hr>');
document.write('<br><b>1.1234,50 (eur):<\/b> ')
document.write(isMoneyFormat("1.1234,50",1) + ' -> ' + isMoneyFormatAmount + '(' + isMoneyFormatString+')<hr>');
document.write('<br><b>50:<\/b> ')
document.write(isMoneyFormat(".50") + ' -> ' + isMoneyFormatAmount + '(' + isMoneyFormatString+')<hr>');
document.write('<br><b>.5:<\/b> ')
document.write(isMoneyFormat(".5") + ' -> ' + isMoneyFormatAmount + '(' + isMoneyFormatString+')<hr>');
document.write('<br><b>1a3:<\/b> ')
document.write(isMoneyFormat("1a3") + ' -> ' + isMoneyFormatAmount + '(' + isMoneyFormatString+')<hr>');

Feedback on 'Q6 How do you display the .00, or in the case of 50 cents display .50 instead of .5?'

©2018 Martin Webb