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Q590 How do I check for the existence of a setTimeout() and remove it?

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Use a boolean flag to indicate when the timer is running. Retain the timer identity, and use it to cancel the timer:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var timerRunning = false; // boolean flag
var myTimer = null;

function myFunction() {
    // whenever the timer 'awakes' set the flag to false:
    timerRunning = false;
    // insert your code here...

function startTimer() {
    myTimer = setTimeout=('myFunction()',10000); // myTimer holds the id of the timer
    timerRunning = true; // whenever you start a timer set the timerRunning flag to true

function stopTimer() {
    if (timerRunning)

<input type="button" value="Start" onClick="startTimer()">
<input type="button" value="Start" onClick="stopTimer()">

Feedback on 'Q590 How do I check for the existence of a setTimeout() and remove it?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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