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The most common way to connect to a database is to use ActiveX Data Objects, which comes as part of the Windows MDAC or Microsoft Data Access Components install (see How do I install ASP on my Win 95/98 machine? for details).
Here is the code (place in an *.asp page with or without HTML already in it). This code example requires a DSN called myDSN setup through ODBC on the Control Panel.
<% Dim objConn Dim counter ' TO COUNT RETURNED RECORDS counter = 0 ' USING THE NATIVE ASP SERVER OBJECT, CALL IT'S CreateObject METHOD TO MAKE ' objConn AN INSTANCE OF THE ADO CONNECTION OBJECT: Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ' OPENS A DATA SOURCE NAME (DSN) CALLED myDSN. objConn.Open "DSN=myDSN" ' OPEN A RECORDSET BY EXECUTING SOME SQL ON A TABLE IN THE OPEN CONNECTION Set RS = objConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM currentDogs") ' NOW RETURN THESE RECORDS IN A SIMPLE FORMAT TO THE WEB PAGE: Do While Not RS.EOF response.write "<p>" For each fld in RS.Fields response.write fld.Name & " = " _ & fld.Value &"<br>" Next RS.MoveNext response.write "</p>" Loop ' CLOSE THE CONNECTION AND THE RECORDSET RS.Close objConn.Close %>