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Q362 Is it possible for a character sequence of a/ to be combined into the aacute diacritical character?

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Try the following which is set for aacute, eacute, iacute, oacute, uacute:

<FORM NAME="test">
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="output" SIZE="60">
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Convert" onclick="doit()">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function replace(string,text,by) {
// Replaces text with by in string
    var strLength = string.length, txtLength = text.length;
    if ((strLength == 0) || (txtLength == 0)) return string;
     var i = string.indexOf(text);
    if ((!i) && (text != string.substring(0,txtLength))) return string;
    if (i == -1) return string;

    var newstr = string.substring(0,i) + by;

    if (i+txtLength < strLength)
        newstr += replace(string.substring(i+txtLength,strLength),text,by);

    return newstr;

function doit() {
    text = document.test.output.value;

    text = replace(text,'a/',unescape('%E1'));
    text = replace(text,'e/',unescape('%E9'));
    text = replace(text,'i/',unescape('%ED'));
    text = replace(text,'o/',unescape('%F3'));
    text = replace(text,'u/',unescape('%FA'));

    document.test.output.value = text;

©2018 Martin Webb

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