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What has happened, is that the window or the frame has not yet been created. You can work around this in two ways. Either introduce a delay when changing the location using the setTimeout method to change the location after, say, 1 second. Or use a derivative of the Re-directing access within Frames article.
First when opening the window that holds the frameset, pass an encoded url, i.e. apage.html:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- function newWindow() { filename = 'frame.html' + '?' + escape('apage.html');,'windowName'); myRemote.location.href = fileName; if (myRemote.opener == null) msgWindow.opener = window; } //--></SCRIPT>
And then in the frame.html frameset:
<HTML> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- document.write('<FRAMESET COLS="20%,*">'); document.write('<FRAME SRC="header.html" NAME="header">'); document.write('<FRAME SRC="' + ( ? unescape('main.html') + '" NAME="main">'); document.write('<\/FRAMESET>'); //--></SCRIPT> </HTML>