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Always use four digit dates, that way you are avoiding any potential millennium bugs in your code. Especially when accepting dates from user input.
setYear() will accept dates in two digit and four digit format, although it assumes that any two digit dates are for the 20th century, so that:
date = new Date(); // today date.setYear(70); // assumed to be 1970 date.setYear(99); // assumed to be 1999
date = new Date(); // today date.setYear(1970); // is 1970 date.setYear(1999); // is 1999 date.setYear(2000); // is 2000 date.setYear(2001); // is 2001 date.setYear(9999); // is 9999
Note, in Netscape Navigator 2 you cannot use dates less than year dot. Year dot in JavaScript is Midnight January 1st 1970, i.e. the reference point. All dates are represented internally in JavaScript as the number of milliseconds since year dot. Netscape Navigator 2 does not allow negative millisconds, whereas Netscape Navigator 3, Netscape Navigator 4, Internet Explorer 4 and possibly Internet Explorer 3 do.
Therefore the following should not be done in Netscape Navigator 2, at best it'll crash the browser, at worse it'll crash the browser, and any other Netscape browser running, plus maybe the odd text editor running, and also any news and or mail programs that are Netscape products - BE WARNED.
date = new Date(1960); // crash, burn and die date = new Date(); // today date.setYear(1950); // will not crash but the date will not be 1950
However the following all work in Netscape Navigator 3, Netscape Navigator 4 and Internet Explorer 4:
var date = new Date(-99999); // 99999 milliseconds before year dot var date = new Date(-999999999999); // a long time before 1970 var date = new Date(1950,1,1); var date = new Date(1970,1,1); var date = new Date(); var date = new Date(2000,1,1); var date = new Date(9999,1,1); var date = new Date(); date.setYear(1066); date.setYear(1653); date.setYear(1960); date.setYear(1970); date.setYear(1980); date.setYear(1990); date.setYear(9999);