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Q193 Is there a way to do an onMouseOver on text, i.e. not a link and not an image?

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It is possible but only in Netscape Navigator 4 and Internet Explorer 4. You'll need to use a link - but you can make the link without the underline and without it going anywhere.

#style1 { color: orange; text-decoration: none }


<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function myvoid() {}

<p>This is some text outside,
<a href="javascript:myvoid()" onMouseOver="alert('hello world')">
<span id="style1">this is some text inside</span></a>,
and this is more text outside


I've used an alert, but this can be replace with code that does whatever you want.

The following was submitted by Peter A. List

Easy in Internet Explorer 4+ - just include the actions & events inside a div or span tag.

<form name="Out">
<input type="text" size="35" name="put" onFocus="blur()" value="You have not yet moved over the text">

  onMouseOver="document.Out.put.value='Now you are over the text'"
  onMouseOut="document.Out.put.value='Hey, you moved away from the text!'">
Mouse over me, and the text in the input will change

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©2018 Martin Webb