Q19 How do I read data from an input file?
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Andre De Bruin writes:
- There is a method to read a file in Netscape Navigator (through the Java class)
- Depending on what you want to do with the file, this me be a solution:
- create a separate (invisible) frame
- use parent.FRAMENAME.location = "yourfile.htm" to load the file in that frame
- The file is loaded, you can not read the lines from within Javascript (but you can read all the hrefs and anchors
- there are no security violations when the file is on the same host (and path?) as the loading file.
- very kinky is to have javascript in that file that is being loaded, code that is activated with an onLoad()
- Even more kinky is to have the loaded file after doing whatever work it needed to do, perform a document.location = "anotherfile.htm" ON ITS OWN FRAME. I used this method to make a search application with "unlimited" data input: the loaded scripts output their data to a common frame.
Shyamala k. writes:
To read and write into a flat file use Jscript's ActiveXobject.
Greg Lewis writes:
There is a way in netscape to do this and I am sure Internet explorer
can also. Below I have code that can read any file on the clients
machine, but only with their approval. This code only works on
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function readFromFile(filename) {
var text = '';
var filechar;
var file = new java.io.File(filename);
var FileReader = new java.io.FileReader(file);
filechar = FileReader.read();
while (filechar != -1) {
text = text + String.fromCharCode(filechar);
filechar = FileReader.read();
return text;
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