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Q1777 Is there a way to have a window self focus but still allow the user to enter data into a form?

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Keeps window on top (in focus) but allows text box to have focus when user needs to enter text. Just create page with code below and then open it as a pop up window and it will always have focus except when trying to edit the text box, and after the text box loses focus the window regains it!!

<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
var isOnBlur = true;

function checkOnBlur() {
  if (isOnBlur == true) {

function setisOnBlur(bolisOnBlur, object) {
  if (bolisOnBlur == 1) {
    isOnBlur = false;
  } else {
    isOnBlur = true;

<BODY onBlur="checkOnBlur()">

<INPUT type="text" name=aTextBox onMouseOver="setisOnBlur(1, this)" onFocus="setisOnBlur(1, this)" onBlur="setisOnBlur(2, this)" >


Submitted by Scott Millett

©2018 Martin Webb

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