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Q1773 Given a start date and a number of days can you calculate the end date?

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Given a start date and number of days, the following gives you the end date?

function days_between(startdate,no_of_days) {
  var date  = startdate.substring(0,2);
  var month = startdate.substring(3,5);
  var year  = startdate.substring(6,10);
  startdate = month+"/"+date+"/"+year;

  var startdate = new Date(startdate)
  var curr_mon  = startdate.getMonth()+1;
  var next_mon  = curr_mon+1;

  for (i=0;i<no_of_days;i++) {
    today_date = startdate.getDate();
    curr_mon = startdate.getMonth()+1;
    dayIncrement = today_date;

    if (curr_mon==next_mon) {
      next_mon = next_mon+1;
    if (startdate.getDay() == 0 || startdate.getDay() == 6) {
      no_of_days = no_of_days + 1;
    if ((i+1)==no_of_days) {
    } else {


  var date = startdate.getDate();
  var month = startdate.getMonth()+1;
  var year = startdate.getYear();
  enddate = date+"/"+month+"/"+year;

  return enddate ;

Submitted by G.LaxmiNarayan

Feedback on 'Q1773 Given a start date and a number of days can you calculate the end date?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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