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Q1767 How do you check to see if a string is contained within a list of strings?

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Basic inList() function to check if the string 'testString' is in the list 'mainList'.


<title>JS List Find</title>

<script language="JavaScript1.2">
//Basic inList fn to check if the string 'testString' is in the list 'mainList'.

// mainList = List of strings eg 'aaa|bbbz|ggg|jio' OR 'aaa,bbbz,ggg,jio' OR 'aaa bbbz ggg jio'
// testString = input string to test for in above list eg 'AAA'
// delim = list delimeter, best to use '|'. If a sentence use ' '. If a list use ','
// CaseSens= Case Sensitive search. Val=true or false. When true, 'aaa' NOT= 'AAA'

// Please note that spaces (' ') at the beginning, or end, of a string are treated as part of
// the string, unless you are searching a sentence, in which case ' ' will become your delimiter.

function inList(mainList,testString,delim,caseSens) {
  if (caseSens == false) {

  list_ToArray=mainList.split(delim); //turn mainList into an array
  var stringFound = false; // set var to default false when no match found
  for (i=0; i < list_ToArray.length; i++) {
    if (list_ToArray[i] == testString) {
      var stringFound = true; // if above 'if' statement=true, then match found.
      break; // break loop
  return stringFound; // if match found stringfound = true, else false will be returned.

<body onload="document.FName.inpString.focus();">

  onsubmit="alert('string in list = '+inList(document.FName.inpListString.value,document.FName.inpString.value,'|',false));">

  <!--- list to compare against --->

  <input name="inpListString" type="hidden" value="AAA |AAB | AAX|abc|Asd| deF| pRG|$%^*() ">

  <!--- input string to compare against above list --->

  <input name="inpString" type="text" value="AAA ">
  <input type="Submit" name="Go" value="Send">



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©2018 Martin Webb

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