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Q1751 Why do animated GIFs stop animating when I click on a link, and how can I avoid this?

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When you click on a link, or slick on a submit button, the deafult action that the browser takes is to load the page indicated by the href attribute, or submit the form to the service specified in the target attribute. When you do this the browser stops the animated image/s. To avoid this you can use either the onClick event handler (in a link) or the onSubmit event handler (in a form) to cancel the default action by returning false. This also stops the browser from loading the page or from submitting the form.

You can however still load a page using JavaScript by changing the location object's href attribute:



<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function go(href) {
  location.href = href;



<a href="defaultAction.htm" onClick="go(this.href);return false">go</a>

<form target="defaultAction.htm" onsubmit="go(this.target);return false">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">



Beware! If you attempt to use a javascript: schema within a href attribute, thinking that this might also work - then it won't. By the time the javascript: schema within the href attribute, and its associated JavaScript code is executed, the browser will have already stopped the animation.

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©2018 Martin Webb

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