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Q1670 Can you change the values of form fields when a checkbox is clicked?

You are here: irt.org | FAQ | JavaScript | Form | Q1670 [ previous next ]



<script lannguage="JavaScript"><!--
function fillIt(type,theForm) {
  if (type == 1) {
    theForm.elements['fieldA'].value = 'Now is';
    theForm.elements['fieldB'].value = 'the time';
    theForm.elements['fieldC'].value = 'for all';
    theForm.elements['fieldD'].value = 'good men';
  else if (type == 2) {
    theForm.fieldA.value = 'to come';
    theForm.fieldB.value = 'to the';
    theForm.fieldC.value = 'aid of';
    theForm.fieldD.value = 'their country';


<br><input name="fieldA" type="text" value="initial value">
<br><input name="fieldB" type="text" value="initial value">
<br><input name="fieldC" type="text" value="initial value">
<br><input name="fieldD" type="text" value="initial value">
<input type="checkbox" onClick="if (this.checked) fillIt(1,this.form)">
<input type="checkbox" onClick="if (this.checked) fillIt(2,this.form)">



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