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Q1664 How do you get sound to work on mouse over in both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator?

You are here: irt.org | FAQ | JavaScript | Sound | Q1664 [ previous next ]

Try this:


<script language="JavaScript"><!--
loaded = false;
function  playIt(sndAction,sndObj) { // rewrite of Macromedia's script.
   if (eval(sndObj) != null && loaded) {
      if (sndAction == 'stop') sndObj.stop()); //stop, else play
      else (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') ? sndObj.play(false): sndObj.run();

<body onLoad="loaded=true">

<embed name="sound1" src="somesound.wav" loop="false" autostart="false" mastersound="mastersound" hidden="true" width="0" height="0"></embed>

<a href="http://www.linktosomeplace.com"
>hover over this link to play</a>



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©2018 Martin Webb

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