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With Internet Explorer 4+ you can use the innerHTML property to read the contents of another frame (including an inline frame (note that this will only work for a page on the same server as the JavaScript code - otherwise you'll get a "denied" message):
<iframe src="testpage.htm" name="myIframe"></iframe> <form> <input type="button" value="Read HTML" onClick="alert(document.myIframe.document.innerHTML)"> </form>
With Netscape Navigator you can use a signed script and LiveConnect:
<script language="JavaSCript"><!-- function fetchURL(url) { if (( == '' && url.indexOf(location.protocol) == -1) || url.indexOf( == -1) {'UniversalConnect'); } var dest = new; var dis = new; var res = ''; while ((line = dis.readLine()) != null) { res += line; res += java.lang.System.getProperty('line.separator'); } dis.close(); return res; } alert (fetchURL (location.href)) //--></script>
But it needs to be signed or otherwise trusted for locations other than the one the script is loaded from.