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Q165 How do I access variable values and form field values across windows?

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If one window opens another:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function newWindow(file,window) {
    if (msgWindow.opener == null) msgWindow.opener = self;

<input type="button" value="Open New Window" onClick="newWindow('a.html','window2')">

Then to access a variable in the new window from the original window:

var myVar = msgWindow.myVar;

To access a variable in the original window from the new window:

var myVar = opener.myVar;

To access the contents of a form field in new window from the original window:

var myVar = msgWindow.document.formName.formFieldName.value;

To access the contents of a form field in the original window from the new window:

var myVar = opener.document.formName.formFieldName.value;

To access the contents of a form field in the original window from a frame in the new window:

var myVar = top.opener.document.formName.formFieldName.value;

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©2018 Martin Webb

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