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Q1608 From a popup window how can I alter the location of the frame that opened the popup window, plus the location of another sibling frame, and then close the popup?

You are here: irt.org | FAQ | JavaScript | Frame | Q1608 [ previous next ]

With a hypertext link:

<a href="javascript:;" onClick="
  opener.parent.siblingframe.location.href = 'newpage1.html';
  opener.location.href = 'newpage2.html';
  return false;
"&g;Click to change</a&g;

With a form button:

<input type="button" onClick="
  opener.parent.siblingframe.location.href = 'newpage1.html';
  opener.location.href = 'newpage2.html';
" value="Click to change"&g;

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