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<script language="JavaScript"><!-- isIE = false; navVer = navigator.appVersion; ver = parseFloat(navVer); IEPos = navVer.indexOf('MSIE'); if (IEPos !=-1) { isIE = true; ver = parseFloat(navVer.substring(IEPos+5,navVer.indexOf(';',IEPos))); } isIE5up = (isIE && ver >= 5); function setNSHomepage(URL) { // this HAS to be signed if it is to run on the web var Text = ''; Text += 'Due to Netscapes security handling, making this page your homepage, will show you a dialog with a warning.\n'; Text += 'If you do not wish to grant this site the access to your browser settings,'; Text += ' you can manually copy the current location and paste it in the location field in Edit / Preferences / Navigator.'; if (confirm(Text)) {"UniversalPreferencesWrite"); navigator.preference('browser.startup.homepage',URL); } } //--></script> <a href="javascript:;" onClick="HomePage = top.location.href; if (document.layers) setNSHomepage(HomePage); else if (isIE5up) {'url(#default#homepage)'; this.setHomePage(HomePage); } else alert('Sorry, not supported in this browser,\n please change this setting manually'); return false;">Make this page your homepage</a>
This can be a little automated by executing what is in the onClick in another event handler like onLoad (but people will get annoyed with you if you do)