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Q1523 In a frames page, how do I set up the hover buttons in the contents section to remain the same as my mouseover image when clicked, in order to stay selected when loading the linked page?

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Have this in your menu:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
if (document.images) {
  image0on = new Image();
  image0on.src = "aaa_on.gif";
  image0off= new Image();
  image0off.src = "aaa_off.gif";
  image1on = new Image();
  image1on.src = "bbb_on.gif";
  image1off= new Image();
  image1off.src = "bbb_off.gif";
  image2on = new Image();
  image2on.src = "ccc_on.gif";
  image2off= new Image();
  image2off.src = "ccc_off.gif";

saveImage = "";
function changeImages(imgName,img) {
   if (document.images) {
       if (saveImage == imgName) return;
       document[imgName].src = eval(img + ".src");

And this on the links:

<a href="aaa.html" onMouseOver="changeImages('image0', 'image0on')"
onMouseOut="changeImages('image0', 'image0off')"><img  name="image0" SRC="aaa_off.gif" width=32
height=32 border=0
<a href="bbb.html" onMouseOver="changeImages('image1', 'image1on')"
onMouseOut="changeImages('image1', 'image1off')"><img  name="image1" SRC="bbb_off.gif" width=32
height=32 border=0

Have this in each page (assuming the images to stay depressed are in a frame called menu)

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function depress(i) {
  if (document.images && top.menu) {
    if (top.menu.saveImage != '') {
    top.menu.document.images['image'+i].src= eval('top.menu.image'+i+'on.src');
    top.menu.saveImage = 'image'+i;
depress(2); // the number in the bracket is the image number!!!

Feedback on 'Q1523 In a frames page, how do I set up the hover buttons in the contents section to remain the same as my mouseover image when clicked, in order to stay selected when loading the linked page?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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