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Q1423 How can I move an image to where I click on the browser window?

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<script language="JavaScript"><!--
if (document.layers) {
    document.onmousedown = myDown;

function myDown(e) {
    if (document.layers) {
         document.layers['x'].left = e.screenX - window.screenX - (window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth);
         document.layers['x'].top = e.screenY - window.screenY - (window.outerHeight - window.innerHeight) + 25;
    else if (document.all) {
        document.all('x').style.posLeft = window.event.x;
        document.all('x').style.posTop = window.event.y;

<body onMouseDown="myDcroll()">

<div id="x" style="position:absolute;"><img src="image.gif" height="100" width="100"></div>


Feedback on 'Q1423 How can I move an image to where I click on the browser window?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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