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The following is an adaptation of the script in the article The 24 Hour World, but without the daylight saving adjustment:
<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- function padout(number) { return (number < 10) ? '0' + number : number; } function ampm(time) { var hours = time.getHours(), minutes = padout(time.getMinutes()); var adjhours = (hours == 0) ? 12 : ((hours < 13) ? hours : hours-12); return ((adjhours < 10) ? ' ' : '') + adjhours + ':' + minutes + ':' + padout(time.getSeconds()) + ((hours < 12) ? ' am' : ' pm'); } function updateTime() { var time = new Date(); var TimezoneOffset = time.getTimezoneOffset(); var gmtX = 8; // Perth : GMT+8 time.setTime(time.getTime() - TimezoneOffset*60*1000 + gmtX*60*60*1000); if (document.all) document.all['clockTime'].innerText = 'Perth ' + ampm(time); else if (document.layers) { document.layers['clockTime']; document.layers['clockTime'].document.write('Perth ' + ampm(time)); document.layers['clockTime'].document.close(); } setTimeout("updateTime()",500); } //--></script> </head> <body onLoad="if (document.all || document.layers) updateTime()"> <span id="clockTime" style="position:absolute"> </span> </body> </html>