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Q1394 How can I prevent the user from typing anything else than the characters 0123456789 and '.' and return in a form field?

You are here: irt.org | FAQ | JavaScript | Form | Q1394 [ previous next ]


<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function handler(e) {
     var key = (navigator.appName == "Netscape") ? e.which : e.keyCode;
     if (key == 13 || key == 46 || (key > 47 && key < 58)) return true; else return false;



<input type="text" onKeyDown="return handler(event)" onKeydown="return handler(event)">


Feedback on 'Q1394 How can I prevent the user from typing anything else than the characters 0123456789 and '.' and return in a form field?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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