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Q1358 How can I alter the wrapping of a text area from hard to virtual using radio buttons?

You are here: irt.org | FAQ | JavaScript | Form | Q1358 [ previous next ]

In Internet Explorer try:

<textarea name="text1">
<input type="radio" name="rbt_IsMessagePreformatted_b" value="1" onclick="this.form.text1.wrap = 'hard'> yes
<input type="radio" name="rbt_IsMessagePreformatted_b" value="0 checked onclick="this.form.text1.wrap = 'virtual'> no


<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function changewrap(theRadio){
   if (theRadio.value == "yes")
      document.form1.text1.wrap = "hard";
      document.form1.text1.wrap = "virtual";

<form name="form1">
<textarea name="text1">
<input type="radio" name="format" value="1" onclick="changewrap(this)"> yes
<input type="radio" name="format" value="0 checked onclick="changewrap(this)"> no


<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function changewrap(theWrap){
   document.form1.text1.wrap = theWrap;

<form name="form1">
<textarea name="text1">
<input type="radio" name="format" value="1" onclick="changewrap('hard')"> yes
<input type="radio" name="format" value="0 checked onclick="changewrap('virtual')"> no

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