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Q1302 Is it possible to have one "submit" button activate two "onSubmits" in order for a form to be validated?

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There is only one onSubmit event handler per form. But it can do more than one thing:

<form onSubmit="action1;action2;action3">

If you want the onSubmit event handler to invoke a funtion to validate form data, then ensure that the function returns true (valid data) or false (invalid data) and then return the result in the onSubmit handler:

<form onsubmit="return function1()">

To invoke two funtions and combine the results ue:

<form onSubmit=" return (function1() && funtion2())">

When you hit a submit button the onSubmit event handler invoked.

You can also submit a form using JavaScript, e.g.:

<form name="myForm" onSubmit="function1()">

<script language="JavaScript"><!--

However, the onSubmit event handler will NOT not invoked, but you can always invoke it yourself:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
if (function1())

Likewise, you could invoke two functions to validate your form:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
if (function1() && function2())

Note, that in the last example, if function1() returns false function2() will not be invoked.

To add this to your own "submit" button use:

<form name="myForm">
<imput type="button" value="Submit" onClick="if (function1() && function2()) document.myForm.submit();">

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©2018 Martin Webb

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