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Q1300 re: FAQ 877 Is it possible to make a pop-up window automatically resize to fit all the text and images contained in a page?

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It is possible to dynamically resize a window according to the number of document links, anchors, images, array/form elements, applets, embedded objects, layers,list options, window frames, etc. using the length property

<title>window height resizes acording to # of anchors in the body</title>



<!-- name="___"  is REQUIRED for each anchor or  document.anchors.length   returns '0' -->

<a  name =""   href="URL1.htm">First Anchor</a><br>
<a name=""     href="URL2.htm">Second Anchor</a><br>

<script language = "JavaScript"><--

// increase window height by 16 pixels per anchor, min 400 pixels, to a maximum of 550 pixels
   if ( popUpHeight > 550 ) popUpHeight = 550;



Submitted by alu

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©2018 Martin Webb

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