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<script language="JavaScript"><!-- function def(word) { if (word == 'around the world') { word = escape(word); type = 'adverb'; definition = 'An expression' } var filename = 'def.htm' + '?' + word + '|' + type + '|' + definition; myFloater =,'myWindow','scrollbars=no,status=no,width=300,height=200') } //--></script> <p> <a href="javascript:def('around the world')" onMouseOver="status='';return true">around the world</a> the world. </p>
And in def.htm:
<body> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- function strip(string) { var first = string.indexOf("|"); var second = string.indexOf("|",first+1); outputDefinition(string.substring(0,first), string.substring(first+1,second), string.substring(second+1,string.length)); } //--></script> <script language="JavaScript1.1"><!-- function strip(string) { var myArray = string.split('|'); outputDefinition(myArray[0],myArray[1],myArray[2]); } //--></SCRIPT> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- function outputDefinition(word,type,definition) { document.write('<big>' + unescape(word) + '<\/big><br>'); document.write('<i>' + unescape(type) + '<\/i><br>'); document.write(unescape(definition)); } strip(; //--></script> </body>