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Q129 How can preload the contents of the next document to be shown in the current frame?

You are here: irt.org | FAQ | JavaScript | Frame | Q129 [ previous next ]

Use another frameset current frame which uses a hidden frame to preload the next document.

Say your current frameset has:

    <FRAME SRC="apage.html">
    <FRAME SRC="bpage.html">

Then instead of the bpage.html replace it with another nested framset

    <FRAME SRC="apage.html">
    <FRAMESET ROWS="100%,*">
        <FRAME SRC="bpage.html">
        <FRAME SRC="cpage.html">

Then the link to the cpage.htm; from within bpage.html should be:

<A HREF="cpage.html" TARGET="_parent">Next Page</A>

©2018 Martin Webb

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