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Q1231 How can I redirect the user to different start pages if there are two domain names pointing to the same web?

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In index.html on the server have:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var loc = window.location.href;
var server1 = 'fox.com';
var server2 = 'fox.org';
var newLoc = 'error.html';

if (loc.toLowerCase().indexOf(server1) !=-1)
    newLoc = 'foxcom.html';
else if (loc.toLowerCase().indexOf(server2) !=-1)
    newLoc = 'foxorg.html';

document.write('Please stand by, redirecting to another page');

/* Use setTimeout to allow the user to use the back button */

if (document.images)
    setTimeout('window.location = newLoc',2000);

You will be redirected in a few seconds.
If not, please click one of the following:
<a href="domain1.htm">www.domain1.com</a>
<a href="domain2.htm">www.domain2.com</a>

Feedback on 'Q1231 How can I redirect the user to different start pages if there are two domain names pointing to the same web?'

©2018 Martin Webb

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