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Q1201 How can I make a watermark that floats and remains in the bottom right hand corner of the window whilst I scroll through a document in either Netscape Navigator 4+ or Internet Explorer 4+?

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<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var x=100,y=50,dl=document.layers,da=document.all;

function pageOffset() {

<body onLoad="(dl || da)?pageOffset():null">

<div id="o" style="position:absolute;"><b>&copy; <a href="http://www.irt.org/">irt.org</a></b></div>



The above does not work in Netscape Navigator 6. The following does:



<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function DOMGetElement(o) {
  if (document.getElementById) return document.getElementById(o);
  else if (document.all)             return document.all[o];
  else if (document.layers)          return document.layers[o];
  return null;

function DOMWindowGetXOffset() {
  if (document.all)            return document.body.scrollLeft;
  else if (document.getElementById)  return window.pageXOffset;
  else if (document.layers)          return window.pageXOffset;

function DOMWindowGetYOffset() {
  if (document.all)             return document.body.scrollTop;
  else if (document.getElementById)  return window.pageYOffset;
  else if (document.layers)          return window.pageYOffset;

function DOMElementSetTopPos(o,val) {
  if (document.getElementById) o.style.top = val;
  else if (document.all)       o.style.top = val;
  else if (document.layers)    o.pageY = val;

function DOMElementSetLeftPos(o,val) {
  if (document.getElementById) o.style.left = val;
  else if (document.all)       o.style.left = val;
  else if (document.layers)    o.pageX = val;

function DOMWindowGetInnerWidth() {
  if (document.all)           return document.body.clientWidth;
  else if (document.getElementById)   return window.innerWidth;
  else if (document.layers)           return window.innerWidth;

function DOMWindowGetInnerHeight() {
  if (document.all)          return document.body.clientHeight;
  else if (document.getElementById)  return window.innerHeight;
  else if (document.layers)          return window.innerHeight;

function DOMElementGetHeight(o) {
  if (document.all)                 return o.clientHeight;
  else if (document.getElementById) return parseInt(o.offsetHeight);
  else if (document.layers)         return o.document.height;

function DOMElementGetWidth(o) {
  if (document.all)                 return o.clientWidth;
  else if (document.getElementById) return parseInt(o.offsetWidth);
  else if (document.layers)         return o.document.width;

function pageOffset() {
  var o = DOMGetElement('o');
  if (o) {
    DOMElementSetLeftPos(o, DOMWindowGetXOffset() + DOMWindowGetInnerWidth() - DOMElementGetWidth(o) - 20);
    DOMElementSetTopPos(o, DOMWindowGetYOffset() + DOMWindowGetInnerHeight() - DOMElementGetHeight(o) - 20);



<body onLoad="pageOffset()">

<div id="o" style="position:absolute; background-color: #ffffff;"><b>&copy; <a href="http://www.irt.org/">irt.org</a></b></div>



©2018 Martin Webb

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