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Q1160 Is there a way of removing the title bar from a window?

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Michael Klinteberg writes:

Add hundreds of   to the title and you will remove the title caption. You could write a loop for this and use the document.write:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var output = ' ';
for (var i=0; i<100; i++)
  output += output;
document.write('<title>' + output + '</output>');

Jim Beveridge writes:

Internet Explorer 5 has introduced the concept of HTML Applications, which can be created without a caption. The caveat is, because of security, they can't be served from a web server. The head of an HTML app with no caption would be:

<TITLE>Sample No Caption</TITLE>

Simon Elliott writes:

Thanks to what should be regarded as a bug, try this... Start a screen using the fullscreen + no tools etc. option that Internet Explorer supports, then using javascript resize commands resize the window, and tada, you have a titlebar-less window.

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