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Q1137 How can I check that a popup window is still open before attempting to close it?

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You can check to see if the window has been opened then subsequently closed with:

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var windowHandle = null;

function openWindow() {
    windowHandle = window.open('http://www.irt.org/','windowName','height=200,width=200');
    if (!windowHandle.closed)
        window.closed = false;

function closeWindow() {
    if (windowHandle != null) {
        if (windowHandle.closed) {
            // already opened and closed
        else {
            windowHandle.closed = true;
        // not yet opened

Micke Kazarnowicz writes:

The original didn't work (generated error messages in Internet Explorer 5.0) and worked only once in Netscape 4.7. This one [following] doesn't generate any error messages, and can open and close the window an infinite number of times:
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var windowHandle = null;
var windowHandle_closed = false;

function openWindow() {
    windowHandle = window.open('http://www.irt.org/','windowName','height=200,width=200');
    if (windowHandle_closed) {
        windowHandle_closed = false;

function closeWindow() {
    if (windowHandle != null) {
        if (!windowHandle_closed) {
            windowHandle_closed = true;

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