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Q110 I have three frames on my page, how can I control how far down the horizontal window split goes?

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You can control the frame sizes using two methods: pixels or percentages.

The following sets the top row to 20 pixels, the middle row to 50 pixels, and the third row to whatever is left:

<FRAMESET ROWS="20,50,*">
    <FRAME SRC="blank.html" NAME="topFrame">
    <FRAME SRC="middle.html" NAME="midFrame">
    <FRAME SRC="blank.html" NAME="botFrame">

The following sets the top row to 20% of the height of the available window, ditto with the remainder:

<FRAMESET ROWS="20%,50%,30%">
    <FRAME SRC="blank.html" NAME="topFrame">
    <FRAME SRC="middle.html" NAME="midFrame">
    <FRAME SRC="blank.html" NAME="botFrame">

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