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Request For Comments - RFC431

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RFC #431                                       Mark Krilanovich
NIC #13300                                     UCSB
Updates:  122                                  Dec.  15, 1972
Obsoletes:  399

                    Update on SMFS Login and Logout

       This document replaces RFC 399, which introduced the Login
and Logout commands for UCSB's SMFS, but was incomplete.  RFC 399
is restated here, followed by a description of the nature of the
response elicted by these commands

       Two new commands have been added to UCSB's Simple Minded
File System (SMFS).  They are described below.

       Login (LGI)
       The Login command is the means whereby the user identifies
himself and specifies the account number to which his use of SMFS
is to be billed.  The user should issue a LGI command directly
after completing the ICP and before any command referencing a
file.  The user name and account number specified remain in
effect until another LGI command is issued, a LGO command is
issued, or the connection is close.

       At present, the use of SMFS is not billed, and therefore
use of the accounting command is optional.  It is requested,
however, that users and user processes begin to use this command
as soon as possible, since we would like to collect statistics on
SMFS utilization before implementing billing.  Therefore, at
present the user name can be any name that identifies the user,
and the account number is completely arbitrary.

       The format of the LGI command is given below.  Note that
the lengths of the fixed-length fields are given in bits.  The op
code for LGI is decimal 13.

       <op code><user name><account number>

The <user name> and <account number> fields are further divided

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NWG/RFC #431                           MCK 15-DEC-72 12:39  13300
Update on SMFS Login and Logout

as follows:

          8     8*length
      <length><user name>

Where <length> gives the length in 8-bit characters of the <user
name> or <account number> subfield.  The maximum length of <user
name> is eight characters and of <account number> is four
characters.  The <user name> and <account number> fields must
consist of characters chosen from the same character set as

        Logout (LGO)
       The logout command terminates the association between the
user and the accounting information specified in the last LGI
command issued, if any; it does not cause SMFS to close the
connection.  The user should then issue another LGI command
before attempting any operation referencing a file. It is not
necessary to issue a LGO command before issuing another LGI
command, or before closing the connection.

       Again, at the present time the LGO command is optional,
and does not affect the user's ability to reference files.

       The format of the LGO command is as follows:

       <op code>

The op code for LGO is decimal 14.

        Login and logout each elicit, as their only response, an
eight-bit completion code.  Like the other SMFS commands, the
completion code is equal to the command's op code if the command
was successful.  The following error completion codes, given in
decimal, are currently defined:

       47      The length of <user name> is zero.
       48      <user name> is too long.
       49      <user name> contains invalid characters.
       50      The length of <account number> is zero.

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Update on SMFS Login and Logout

       51      <account number> is too long.
       52      <account number> contains invalid characters.
       53      <user name) specifies an invalid user.
       54      <account number> specifies an invalid account.

       [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
       [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
       [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                      1/97 ]

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