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Request For Comments - RFC378

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Network Working Group                                        A. McKenzie
Request for Comments: 378                                            BBN
NIC #11120                                                10 August 1972

                     Traffic Statistics (July 1972)

   For several months BBN has been supplying ARPA with a monthly summary
   of "Host packets output."  In response to questions from several
   sites, ARPA has agreed to allow us to publish these statistics in RFC
   form also.  Attached are the traffic statistics for the month of July

   Please note that the numbers given are either monthly totals or
   overall averages (i.e., based on 24 hours per day, seven days a
   week).  Thus, these numbers are not useful in determining peak
   traffic conditions.

                          HOST THROUGHPUT SUMMARY
                             (PACKETS OUTPUT)

                                JULY  1972

                            MISSING DATA FOR 17

                     INTER-    INTRA-               AVG. DAILY
                      NODE      NODE      TOTAL      INTERNODE    DAYS

   UCLA  HOST 1      100083     74730    174813
   UCLA  HOST 2     1168305     78751   1247056
   UCLA  HOST 3       33544     11950     45494
                   --------   -------  --------
                    1301932    165431   1467363          43398      30

   SRI   HOST 1      952543    343616   1296159
   SRI   HOST 2      140338      4798    145136
                   --------   -------  --------
                    1092881    348414   1441295          36429      30

   UCSB  HOST 1      340463    271366    611829          11349      30

   UTAH  HOST 1      597722   2019417   2617139          19924      30

   BBN   HOST 2     2190851    434235   2625086
   BBN   HOST 3         105       188       293
   BBN   HOST 4       78153      7697     85850
                   --------   -------  --------
                    2269109    442120   2711229          75637      30

McKenzie                                                        [Page 1]

RFC 378                    Traffic Statistics                August 1972

   MIT   HOST 1      106692     36493    143185
   MIT   HOST 2      262648    642765    905413
   MIT   HOST 3      393534   3061353   3454887
   MIT   HOST 4      132621    800019    932640
                   --------   -------  --------
                     895495   4540630   5436125          29850      30

   RAND  HOST 1      145953      7753    153706
   RAND  HOST 2     1117688   2767974   3885662
                   --------   -------  --------
                    1263641   2775727   4039368          42121      30

   SDC   HOST 1         871       623      1494             29      30

   HARV  HOST 1      184616     63963    248579
   HARV  HOST 2        9771     17938     27709
                   --------   -------  --------
                     194387     81901    276288           6480      30

   LINC  HOST 1        5470      2897      8367
   LINC  HOST 2       20431     34736     55167
   LINC  HOST 3           0    136843    136843
                   --------   -------  --------
                      25901    174476    200377            863      30

   STAN  HOST 1      453402     43346    496748          15113      30

   ILL   HOST 1      199597       481    200078           6653      30

   CASE  HOST 1          49        13        62              2      30

   CARN  HOST 1      175067     58896    233963
   CARN  HOST 2           0        12        12
   CARN  HOST 4           1         0         1
                   --------   -------  --------
                     175068     58908    233976           5836      30

   AMES2 HOST 1      876411      8700    885111          29214      30

   AMES1 HOST 1       29969     37857     67826
   AMES1 HOST 3     2081967     35898   2117865
                   --------   -------  --------
                    2111936     73755   2185691          70398      30

   MITRE HOST 3      555380        34    555414          18513      30

   ROME  HOST 3      315960        32    315992          10532      30

McKenzie                                                        [Page 2]

RFC 378                    Traffic Statistics                August 1972

   NBS   HOST 1       15965       287     16252
   NBS   HOST 3      531756       172    531928
                   --------   -------  --------
                     547721       459    548180          18257      30

   ETAC  HOST 3      150462       175    150637           5015      30

   TINK  HOST 1           0    159872    159872              0      30


   USC   HOST 3      783376      5232    788608          26113      30

   GWC   HOST 3       70982        52     71034           2366      30

   NOAA  HOST 3       44504        24     44528           1483      30

   SAAC  HOST 3        5909        20      5929            197      30


   ARPA  HOST 1           0    335053    335053
   ARPA  HOST 3       68838     50071    118909
                   --------   -------  --------
                      68838    385124    453962           2295      30

   BBN T HOST 3      714884   2268976   2983860          23829      30

   TOTAL           15056880  13825310

   DAILY AVERAGE     501896    460844

   AVERAGE PER        17307     15891


         [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
           [ into the online RFC archives by Bob German 10/99 ]

McKenzie                                                        [Page 3]

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